
casino logo svg

casino logo svg - win

Part 42.

There have been a lot of big changes recently.
6658.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Steve Jobs being the first person to say "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." instead of Pablo Picasso?
6659.(Music Lyrics change.)"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Turpentine."/"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Guillotine."/"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Gelatine."(Other lyrics?)(Anything else off?)
6660.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Wallace Broecker dying earlier than February 18, 2019?
6661.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Lee Radiziwill dying earlier than February 15, 2019?(Do the Ls in her name look off?)
6662.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Doors Of The 21st Century not being a thing?(Ian Ashbury/Ian Astbury)
6663.(Event name change.)Lalapalooza/Lolapalooza/Lollapalooza(Other spellings?)(Does the logo look off?)
6664.(Movie Quote change.)"You're gonna be one badass motherfucker."/"You're gonna be a bad motherfucker."(Other quotes?)
6665.(Product Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Tampico being normal?(Anything else off?)
6666.(Real Life Quote change.)"I am not a crook."/"I'm not a crook."(Anything else off?)
6667.(Movie Quote change.)"I love him something awful."/"I love him awful."(Does the movie logo keep changing?)
6668.(R&B Group name change.)The Staples Singers/The Staple Singers(Do any of their logos look off?)(Anything else off?)(Does the Soul Train logo look off?)(Many remembered spellings of Abbott and all the other logos have changed.)(SiriusXM logos all have off letters.)(Most Capitol Records logos have connected letters.)(Soya Sauce/Soy Sauce)(Other spellings?)(Soya/Soy)(Twitter logo bird has changed.)(Dolly from Moonraker now has bows in her hair.)(The Bare Necessities lyrics keeps changing.)(Terrence McKenna/Terence McKenna)(Anything else off?)(Yubo logo has off letters.)(The Gifted logo has off letters.)(Quanta(Quantum?)Magazine website logo has off letters.)(The Conversation website logo has off letters.)(Book predicts a lot of Donald Trump related stuff.)(Givology logo and name keep changing.)(Male fruit flies look for alcohol when rejected.)(Frost And Nixon/Frost/Nixon)(Other names?)(Anything else off?)(Seatle, Washington/Seattle, Washington)(Other spellings?)(New Dylan album and a song moved onto it.)(Have you heard of Mimi Pond?)(Snownados now exist.)(Famous Birthdays logo has off logo.)(Android logos all keep changing.)(Timothy Chalamet/Timothée Chalamet)(Was Timothée and anything similar to it never an acceptable spelling of Timothy?)(Vector Vest logo has connected and off letters.)(Tess Daily/Tess Daly)(Lots of album cover logos have changed.)(Kissed By A Rose by Seal keeps changing.)(Other remembered spellings of Diana Rigg that haven't been mentioned yet?)(Radio station logos keep changing.)(Did John Lennon say the Good Artists Copy quote?)(Anything else off?)(Old raven related quote changed.)(Abba song lyrics are changing.)(Water polo was a thing.)(Homeless shelters charge people to stay.)(Didn't Ric Flair die?)(Spider that looks like David Bowie.)(Tasty Freeze/Tastee-Freez)(Anything else off?)(Hughes Airwest logo looks off.)(Altec Lansing is off.)(We're The Millers If Anyone Asks?)(Red Red Wine by Neil Diamond has changed or was it UB40?)(Was Zangief spelled differently?)(Sherbet Crayola or Pink Sherbet?)(MC Hammer's pants in U Can't Touch This are now red instead of yellow.)(Better Help website logo has off letters.)(Weird colored skies.)(Neurophen/Nurofen)(Footloose lyrics keep changing.)(Harpy eagles now exist.)(Dip Dab logo is merged.)(Derek Hatton is now alive.)(Sherbet Lemons/Lemon Sherbets)(Maynards Bassetts logo and all the subtexts have merged or off letters.)(Sherbet pronunciation keeps changing.)(Did what Sorbet and Sherbet used to be switch with each other?)(Is the pronunciation of Sorbet off?)(Fred from Scooby-Doo lost his Adam's Apple and his hairstyle has changed.)(Velma from Scooby-Doo has larger breasts, has different shoes, has knee stockings and looks less plain and her eye shape looks off.)(Scooby Doo's voice sounds slighty deeper and easier to understand and he no longer ends every episode with "Scooby Dooby Doo!".)(All the new moons and names for them.)(Interesting video below.)(Russia sold Alaska to America and Canada didn't.)(Video below.)(More new blood types.)(Video below.)(The Challenge: War Of The Worlds logo is off.)(Interesting video below.)(Tarantula with horn on its back discovered.)(The Munsters spelling keeps changing.)(Lots of early colored photos and videos.)(Lots of weird eye colored cartoons.)(Big Native American book change.)(Golden possums?)(Bamm-Bamm now has a green club.)(Elvis quote keeps changing.)("One of us" quotes all keep changing.)Lots of weird eye colored cartoons now.)(Rana brand logo keeps changing.)(Timothy Leary radio quote keeps changing.)(Purple and weird solid colored corn.)(Almost perfectly straight bananas.)(All Zillow logos keep changing.)(Giant supposedly extinct bees exist and they were found to still be alive.)(Lots of weird new stuff.)(Juicy Fruits/Juicy Fruit)(Were MC Hammer's pants a color other than yellow or red in U Can't Touch This?)(Baobab flower?)(Ficcus tree or plant?)(Lots of weird new changes.)(Lots of new logo changes.)(Snoopy's feet now have lines on them.)(Lots of new religious studies and philosophies.)(Sayeth to Quoteth raven quote change.)(Woman rubs period blood on face to show "beauty".)(Weird new large fish species discovered washed up on beach.)(Go Wireless! logo letters are touching.)(Wood's Boots logo is off.)(Frank Communications logo is off.)(Foreign Accent Syndrome?)(More changes to lots of stuff.)(Multiple colors for tangerines?)(The Godfather "Offer" quote keeps changing.)(Saturn's rings keep changing.)(I Feel Love by Donna Summer lyrics have changed.)(Matramony/Matrimony)(Other spellings?)(3D music systems in the 1950's.)(Did there used to be light brown M&Ms and not blue ones?)("The Suicide Tree"?)(Taiwanese leopard spotted for first time since 1983.)(Oridisia cats?)(Deer with with lots of thick antlers?)(Airplanes having engines above the wings?)(Disney parks in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris and Hawaii?)(You can get a vegan chocolate penis delivered to your door.)(Congo/Kongo)(Was the latter not acceptable?)(Do you remember the Badlands rock band not existing?)(Do you remember Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft by Carpenters not existing?)(Electric fire clams now exist.)(Many outfits Cesar Romero wore as the Joker in the original Batman show have changed.)(Sri Lankan elwphants now exist.)(Asian elephants now exist.)(Indian elephants now exist.)(Lots of phantom and new geography.)(Shoes made with grass.)(Scandals made out of Trump's contradictory tweets.)(Underwear you can wear for weeks without washing.)(Polyamorous woman has husband, fiancé, and two boyfriends.)(Rainbow wasps now exist.)(Anything else off?)(The Riddler now doesn't always wear all green.)(Anything else off?)(Equifax logo has connected and off letters.)(Are any of the outfits in Labyrinth off in any way?)(Headphones in the 1910's.)(Did Daphne not wear pink stockings ever?)(Anything else off?)(Anything else about the JetBlue name, spelling, or logo?)(Interesting video below.)(Did Marcus Dean Fuller, David Niven, and Barry Nelson never portray James Bond in any movie?)(Anything else off?)(On The Case With Paula Zahn logo has off letters.)(Systane logo has off letters.)(Juicy/Jucee juice brand and is the logo off?)(Other spellings?)(Bananas don't peel as easy or in the same place in some cases now.)(Flocks of birds getting much larger.)(Did Nabisco saltine crackers always say Premium?)(Anything else off?)(Picturephones were now a thing.)("Keep on dancing. Gotta keep on dancing.", "He will visit.", or "Evil visit." song lyrics by The Prodigy?)(Anything else off?)(More Teletubbies changes.)(The rainbow grapes and multiple colored tangerines changes are fake at least for now.)(Fracture printing logo has off letters.)(Anything else off?)(Didn't King Kong Bundy pass away years before March 4, 2019?)(Anything else off?)(Holidays that pop out of nowhere.)(Herby: Fully Loaded/Herbie: Fully Loaded)(Anything else off?)(Tommy CoppeTommie Copper)(Anything else off?)(Blue macaw parrots now existed.)(Frozen ice balls of Lake Michigan.)(Aspiration logo has off letters.)(Putting photos on guns during WW2?)(Any other time?)(Is the number of days in a year off?)(Walking trees and other walking plants?)(Haribo Tangtastics/Haribo Tangfastics)(Other spellings?)(Lots of logo changes recently.)(OdorBan/OdoBan)(Lambkins now exist.)(Lots of weird new sunfish.)(Lots of new ghost ice stuff.)(The Honky Tonk Man is just now being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.)(Redferrin/Redfin)(Is the logo off?)(Anything else off?)(Do you remember the Uncle Sam poster saying "We want you" instead of "I want you"?)(Fantatics app logo is off.)(Instaflex logo is off.)(Milly Vanilly/Milli Vanilli)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Saturn's rings keep changing.)(Lots of name changes.)(Do you remember somebody other than Frankie Valli singing Can't Take Off Of You?)(ASDA store brand products have connected letters.)(Interesting video.)(The Brady Girls Get Married now exists.)(Plants respond to pain similar to how we respond to pain.)(Lots of sexual orientation related changes.)(Your brain still works for a while after you die.)(Lots of app logo changes.)(Lots of commercial font changes.)(Ant-Man And The Wasp has connected letters.)(Westcott logo now looks like the old reality VW logo.)(Kyle JenneKylie Jenner)(Lots of weird names and name spellings.)(Poly-Fil(Poly-Fill?)logo has changed.)(Brother At Your Side logo has changed.)(Ayatollah Khamenei horrible quotes and other horrible quotes from this new reality.)(I Want You by Savage Garden lyrics have changed.)(Do any of their logos look off?)(India's poverty level keeps changing.)
6669.(Famous Hero name change.)Wild Bill Hitchcock/Wild Bill Hickok(Other spellings?)
6670.(Restaurant name change.)El Toritos/El Torito(Anything else off?)
6671.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember deer not being able to scream?(Anything else off?)
6672.(Song name change.)Let's Hear It For The Boys/Let's Hear It For The Boy(Are the lyrics off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)
6673.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember alligators and crocodiles not being able to be this big?
6674.(History change.)Do you remember Donald Trump not running for president in 2000?(Anything else off about what he's said about running for president or not?)
6675.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Cranial fissures now are sutures and fibrous, pulsing fontanelles, "flavor country" no longer existed, pineal eye is now a physical eye on outside of face of animals and some have 4 eyes, plain of jars, skara brae, manitol/malitol/maltitol, persistent pupillary membrane over eye in 20% of adult humans and also animals, helium superfluid has 0 viscosity and can't be contained, bacteria also make superfluids, California great flood of 1861 and 1862, ice disk, 1908 New York to Paris car race, atmospheric rivers, Chernobyl didn't shut down after 1986 disaster until 2000, animals still being able to thrive in Chernobyl, more geography changes, more US flag changes, female elephants have tusks called tushes and some male elephants are naturally born without tusks and elephants are apparently evolving not to have them at all, lots of weird sharks and weird stuff about sharks, bioluminescent lizards.)(Video below.)(Australian Geographic logo has connected letters.)(Release dates for everything changing.)(Lots of famous name spellings have drastically changed.)
6676.(Company Logo change.)Sunglasses Hut/Sunglass Hut
6677.(Paint name change.)Dulex/Dulux(Do any of the logos look off?)(Do any of the other things named Dulux look off?)
6678.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember James Darren dying?
6679.(Donut name change.)CrulleKruller(Was the former or the later not acceptable?)(Other spellings?)(Is the pronunciation off?)(Anything else off?)
6680.(Song name change.)The Point Of No Return/Point Of Know Return(Album too.)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6681.(Can't think of a title.)Have you heard of the Yosemite Firefall?
6682.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sting jets not being a thing?
6683.(Fictional Character name change.)Hercules Poirot/Hercule Poirot(Other spellings?)
6684.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Mumia Abu-Jamal being executed?(Anything else off?)
6685.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sea creatures not being able to live or die in places far away from water such as rainforests?
6686.(Famous Actress name change.)Olivia Coleman/Olivia Colman(Was Colman never an acceptable spelling of Coleman?)
6687.(Company name change.)Harmon Kardon/harman/kardon(Anything else off?)
6688.(Famous Actress name change.)Beverly Owen/Beverley Owen(Was Beverley never an acceptable spelling of Beverly?)
6689.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember ice tsunamis not being a thing?
6690.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Uffington White Horse not being a thing?
6691.(Celebrity death cause change.)Do you remember James Horner dying from an illness instead of a plane crash?(Anything else off?)
6692.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Carvana being normal?
6693.(Product name change.)Gravy Granuals/Gravy Granules(Other spellings?)
6694.(Product name change.)Rizzla/Rizla(Anything else off?)
6695.(Product name change.)IWatch/iWatch(IPhone/iPhone)(IPad/iPad)(IPad/iPad)(IOS/iOS)(It keeps flipping.)
6696.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the credits in Goodfellas(Was the official GoodFellas and is the logo off?)being white instead of red?(Anything else off?)
6697.(Product name change.)Cindy/Sindy(Was Sindy never an acceptable spelling of Cindy?)
6698.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Casino Royale being the first James Bond film instead of Dr. No?(Anything else off?)
6699.(Spelling change.)Tender Hook/Tenterhook
Add-On: Do you remember Barbaar The Elephant or Barbar The Elephant instead of Babar The Elephant?
Add-On: Do you remember Gobstoppers instead of Gobstopper?
Add-On: Do you remember Big Bird's being yellow?(Anything else off?)
6700.(Product name change.)CD+CD-R(Any products with similar names off?)
6701.(Spelling change.)Bolognaise/Bolognese(Anything else off?)
6702.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes being set 8 years after instead of 10?
6703.(Spelling change.)Battle Ship/Battleship(War Ship/Warship)(Space Ship/Spaceship)(Battleships/Battleship board game)
6704.(Music Lyrics change.)"Ain't that a kick in the head."/"Ain't love like a kick in the head."(Anything else off?)
6705.(Spelling change.)Murial/Muriel/Mural
6706.(Spelling change.)Broach/Brooch
6707.(Company name change.)RyannaiRyanair(Other spellings?)
6708.(Phrase change.)Card Shark/Card Sharp
6709.(Movie name change.)The Wizard In Oz/The Wizard Of Oz(Dorthy/Dorothy)(Anything else about her name off?)(Somewhere Over The Rainbow/Over The Rainbow)
6710.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember food scented bath stuff not being a thing?
6711.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Geochanges, weird mushrooms, sharknado, orange eyes,(Denny's, USPS, Burger King, Sherwin-Williams, Motel 6, and AutoZone)are all tilting and off logos, naked mole rats don't die of old age, pleomorphism, new giant tortoise types discovered, more bioluminescent animals, more weird light pillars, north and south Atlantic Ocean, north and south Pacific Ocean, Antarctic scale worm and other weird worms, jewel beetles, weird whales and whale changes, earthquakes with negative magnitudes, Indonesian village corpses, more weird land formations, humans glow in visible light, DMT and it occurs naturally, more weird immortal animals, Colorado river toad, Earth's atmosphere goes past the moon, Sphinx cat breed/Sphynx cat breed, Sargasso Sea, poisonous birds.)(Video below.)
6712.(History change.)Do you remember virtual reality not going as far back as the 1950's?
6713.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember bears never existing in Africa?
6714.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember spiders not being capable of dragging animals like opossums anywhere on their own?
6715.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the dodo going extinct because humans ate them instead of other animals eating them?(Was it something else?)
6716.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Mister Ed being a different type or different colored horse?(Anything else off?)(Was it always in black & white or just colored?)
6717.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember something about this Mary Poppins song being different?
6718.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember André(Andre?)Previn dying before February 28, 2019?
6719.(Song name change.)MacArthur's Park/MacArthur Park(Do any of his logos off?)(Anything else off?)
6720.(Famous Actor name change.)Timothy Chalamet/Timothée Chalamet(Were Timothee, Timothée, Timotheé, and Timothéé never acceptable spellings of Timothy?)
6721.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Gaël Montfils/Gaël Monfils(Other spellings?)
6722.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Stan Warwrinka/Stan Wawrinka(Other spellings?)
6723.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Nick Kygrios/Nick Kyrgios(Other spellings?)
6724.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Gabriñe Muguruza/Garbiñe Muguruza(Other spellings?)
6725.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Alizée Cornet/Alizé Cornet(Other spellings?)
6726.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Steffi Graff/Steffi Graf(Other spellings?)(Are there other weird Stephanie and Stefan spellings?)
6727.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Agnieszka Rodwańska/Agnieszka Radwańska(Other spellings?)
6728.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Angelica KerbeAngelique Kerber(Other spellings?)(Are there other weird Angelica spellings?)
6729.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Sabina Lisicki/Sabine Lisicki(Other spellings?)(Was she a brunette instead of blonde?)
6730.(Fictional Character name change.)Mitch Buchanon/Mitch Buchannon(Other spellings?)
6731.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Joachim Noah/Joakim Noah(Other spellings?)
6732.(Country name change.)QuataQatar(Other spellings?)(Is the pronunciation off?)(Anything else off?)
6733.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Paul Gasol/Pau Gasol(Other spellings?)(Was Pau never an acceptable spelling of Paul?)
6734.(Famous Race Car Driver name change.)Sebastien Vettel/Sebastian Vettel(Was Sebastien never an acceptable spelling of Sebastian?)(Are there other weird Sebastian spellings?)
6735.(Town name change.)Marinello, Italy/Maranello, Italy(Other spellings?)
6736.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Derek Rose/Derrick Rose(Was Derrick never an acceptable spelling of Derek?)(Are there other weird spellings of Derek?)
6737.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Katherine Helmond dying earlier than February 23, 2019?
6738.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the Spread logo being different?
6739.(History change.)Do you remember the Boeing 314 Clipper not being a thing?
6740.(History change.)Do you remember the hand mixer not being patented in 1856 and the first electric one not being invented in 1885?
6741.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Jaws' teeth being different?
6742.(Fictional Company name change.)The Daily Bugle/Daily Bugle
6743.(Fictional Company name change.)The Daily Planet/Daily Planet
6744.(Slogan change.)"Nobody knows Easter better than Cadbury."/"Nobunny knows Easter better than Cadbury."
6745.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Tracey(Tracy?)Gold dying a while back?(Was Tracey never an acceptable spelling of Tracy?)
6746.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Coca-Cola not using Coca leaves in their recipe ever and all their ingredients in their formula being secret?
6747.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember human bodies not reacting this way to things like leaf blowers?
6748.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember "My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" being said more often throughout Scooby-Doo?(Do you remember Scooby Doo's real name being Scooby instead of Scoobert?)(Do you remember Scooby Doo not having any other relatives other than Scrappy Doo?)(Anything else off?)
6749.(Company name change.)Amtrack/Amtrak(Anything else off?)
6750.(History change.)Do you remember the White House never burning down ever?
6751.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember elephants never being able to cry?
6752.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember parrots never being able to take or get addicted to things like opium?
6753.(Famous Model name change.)Barbie Benton/Barbi Benton(Was Barbi never an acceptable spelling of Barbie?)
6754.(Famous Actor name change.)Bobby J. Thompson/Bobb'e J. Thompson(Other spellings?)(Was Bobb'e never an acceptable spelling of Bobby?)(Are there other weird Bobby spellings?)
Add-On: Do you remember Edwin or Erich Schrödinger?(Other spellings?)(Were Caffe and Caffé never acceptable spellings of Café?)
6755.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Emre Belezoğlu/Emre Belözoğlu(Other spellings?)
6756.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Gerald Piqué/Gerard Piqué(Other spellings?)
6757.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Felipe Luís/Filipe Luís(Other spellings?)
6758.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Carlos Valderama/Carlos Valderrama(Other spellings?)
6759.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)René Huiguita/René Higuita(Other spellings?)
6760.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Graham LeSaux/Graeme Le Saux(Other spellings?)
6761.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Ferenc Puszkás/Ferenc Puskás(Other spellings?)
6762.(Famous Actress name change.)Stephanie Powers/Stefanie Powers(Other spellings?)
6763.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Dean Stockwell dying a while back?
6764.(Song name change.)Believe/Still Believe(Are the lyrics off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)(Anything else off?)
6765.(Girl Group name change.)Destiny Child/Destiny's Child(Do any of their logos look off?)(Were they never kniwn as Girl's Tyme?)(Were the members originally sisters instead of just being members?)
6766.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember One Man Gang dying?
6767.(Spelling change.)Twighlight/Twillight/Twilight(Other spellings?)
6768.(Famous Actress name change.)Patsy Kenzit/Patsy Kensit(Other spellings?)
6769.(Famous Actress name change.)Leslie-Ann Down/Lesley-Anne Down(Other spellings?)(Was Lesley never an acceptable spelling of Leslie?)
6770.(Famous Actress name change.)Tiffany Thiessen/Tiffani Thiessen(Other spellings?)(Was Tiffani never an acceptable spelling of Tiffany?)
6771.(Famous Producer name change.)Stephen J. Canell/Stephen J. Cannell(Other spellings?)
6772.(Famous Actor name change.)Patrick McGohan/Patrick McGoohan(Other spellings?)
6773.(Famous Actor name change.)Martin Scorcese/Martin Scorsese(Other spellings?)
6774.(Famous Actress name change.)Grey DeLeslie/Grey DeLisle(Other spellings?)
6775.(Famous Actor name change.)Bill Faggerbake/Bill Fagerbakke(Other spellings?)(Was him name pronounced differently?)
6776.(Famous Actor name change.)William Stylers/William Salyers(Other spellings?)
6777.(Candy name change.)Strawberry Flavour Laces/Strawberry Flavour Lances(Anything else off about Lances?)
6778.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Cole Sprouse being less popular than Dylan Sprouse when The Suote Life Of Zack & Cody was on and now?
6779.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Paul Young dying a while back?(Anything about him in Desperate Housewives off?)(Anything else off?)
6780.(Famous Cook name change.)Rachel Ray/Rachael Ray(Other spellings?)(Was Rachael never an acceptable spelling of Rachel?)
6781.(Famous Fashion Designer name change.)Vivian Westwood/Vivienne Westwood(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Vivian being spelled in general?)
6782.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)César Aczpilicueta/César Azpilicueta(Other spellings?)
6783.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Jermaine Defoe/Jermain Defoe(Other spellings?)(Was Jermain never an acceptable spelling of Jermaine?)
6784.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Ellora caves, petra and little petra, shrovetide, calcio storico, American Kidney Foundation/American Kidney Fund, Chichén Itzá, black sea under river, pattern on doe's back and other weird patterns on deer, more friendly wild animals, Michael Jackson dropped 50 feet to stage in an accident, Isaiah 11:8 changes again, more on harpy eagle, Ford logo is now tilting, Honda logo has changed again, polycephalic everything, weird elephant parts, gaboon viper that moves like a caterpillar, pattern change on raccoon and panda eyes, naked foal syndrome, more geography changes, Great lakes keep changing, guy with large hairy birthmark and two children with weird birth defects, weird looking cat with white coloration, 12 finger family, Neanderthals may have been smarter than we think, more anatomy changes, Quetzacoatl(Was it spelled differently?), rabbit without hair, when student doctors remove your appendix, 1939 ghost Pontiac, Marie Curie and everything about her, shark with bioluminescent nose, mice can sing.)(Video below.)
6785.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember transgender people not being able to give birth?
6786.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember little Grand Canyon-like structures not being a thing?
6787.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember teacup pigs being their own separate species and not just being very small and/or underfed pigs?
6788.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"I love Wisconsin!"/"Hello Wisconsin!"(Was it Kelso or Eric that said it and not Hyde?)
6789.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember bumblebees not being endangered?
6790.(Movie name change.)The Naked Gun 33 1/2: The Final Insult/Naked Gun 33 1/2: The Final Insult
6791.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember 1950's breakfast stations not being a thing?
6792.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the first mall in America not opening as early as 1956?(Anything else off?)
6793.(Phrase change.)"Not your circus. Not your clowns."/"Not my circus. Not my clowns."(Anything else off?)
6794.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Alaska not having a rainforest?(Were there no rainforests in North America at all?)(Anything else off?)
6795.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Della Duck not existing?
6796.(Fictional Character name change.)Do you remember Inspector Gadget's real name being Don Brown or John Brown?
6797.(Music Lyrics change.)"Things in common?"/"Thing in common?"("Cuz opposites attract."/"'Cause opposites attract.")(Anything else off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)
6798.(Logo change.)Do you remember the Fair Use logo not being connected?
6799.(Music Lyrics change.)"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?"/"What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you?"(Anything else off?)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6800.(Comic Series name change.)Calvin And Hobbs/Calvin And Hobbes(Anything else off?)
6801.(Abbreviation change.)Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome/Aquired Immune Deficiency Virus
6802.(T.V. Shiw name change.)Beverly Hills 92010/Beverly Hills, 90210
6803.(Famous Actress name change.)Ellen Paige/Ellen Page
6804.(Famous Director name change.)Howard Hawk/Howard Hawks
6805.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Mark Clattenberg/Mark Clattenburg(Other spellings?)
6806.(Famous Referee name change.)Pierluigi Colina/Pierluigi Collina(Other spellings?)
6807.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Phillipe Coutinho/Philippe Coutinho(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Philippe being spelled in general?)
6808.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Jessy Lingard/Jesse Lingard(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Jesse being spelled in general?)
6809.(Famous Singer name change.)Lauren Hill/Lauryn Hill(Other spellings?)
6810.(Famous Singer name change.)Phil Colins/Phil Collins(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Collin or Collins being spelled in general?)
6811.(Famous Composer name change.)Wolfgang Amadeus MozaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart(Other spellings?)
6812.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed."/"Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed ."
6813.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Jam Session by Heavy D and The Notorious B.I.G. not existing?
6814.(Can't think of a to title.)Do you remember the music video for Puffin On Blunts And Drankin' Tanqueray not existing?
6815.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Barbie only having a first name and not a middle or last one?
6816.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Jan-Michael Vincent dying earlier than February 10, 2019?
6817.(State name change.)Okhlahoma/Oklahoma(Other spellings?)
6818.(City name change.)Passadena, California/Pasadena, California(Other spellings?)
6819.(City name change.)Norwitch/Norwich(Other spellings?)(Multiple places.)
6820.(Town name change.)Ipswitch/Ipswich(Other spellings?)
6821.(Village name change.)Amytiville, New York/Amityville, New York(Other spellings?)
6822.(Famous Actor name change.)Rob SteigeRod Steiger(Other spellings?)
6823.(Famous Actress name change.)Judy Gardland/Judy Garland(Other spellings?)
submitted by iminterestingplease to Retconned [link] [comments]

Trump is Owned by the Rothschilds

Rothchilds C.O.A
Note the satanic devil horned "Red Shield" in the middle with the jewish hat that looks like a condom.
Loads more going on that will fly over your heads, but i'd like you to concentrate on the fist clenching the 5 arrows, that represents the 5 sons of Rothschild.
We see it again on the dollar bill either representing the 13 colonies of America or the 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati (real name Brotherhood of the Snake aka Red dragon vs Black dragon can also be blue or yellow or white etc)
You are probably used to seeing it look like this...
In ancient civilizations it looks like this
Wings or an Eagle represent E.T whether you can handle that or not is irrelevant. It is also where left wing/right wing "dichotomy" politics comes from.
Now then...
Here is Trumps C.O.A
Note the clenched fist and arrow...pretty simple math to initiates and people who can put two and two together.
Plenty of other masonic things going on also but again over your heads and far away...the twin headed eagle is just another brotherhood of the snake logo (see bottom page link)
Rothchild owns Trump.
They bailed him out 30 years ago when his casino/hotel businesses were going bankrupt again.
You can read much much more about this from this extremely clued up Christian man. His site is full of undeniable expose.
Check out and compare to Russias C.O.A all tied into this. Internet hindsight is an amazing thing...
submitted by juliettetoma to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Part 25

Sorry for updating a new part so quickly.They come too fast.(Any logos change again I already shared?)
4640.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of people born in the 1700's?(Was there not audio of the National Anthem being sung from the 1800's?)
4641.(Bubble Tea name change.)Do you remember the P in Pom not being broken?(Does the O look off?)(Anything else off?)
4642.(Music Lyrics change.)"I'm slipping into the twilight zone."/"I'm stepping into the twilight zone."(Other lyrics?)("Under moon and stars."/"Under moon and star.")
4643.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of New York from the 1880's?(Any of the other images seem off?)
4644 .(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of soldiers from the Revolutionary War from the 1800's?
4645.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being quality footage of Ireland from 1901?
4646.(Famous Television Presenter name change.)Andy Peters/Andi Peters
4647.(Fictional Character name change.)Ed The Duck/Edd The Duck
4648.(Company name change.)Husqovarna/Husqvarna(Do any of the letters look off?)
4649.(Music Lyrics change.)"If I could put time in a bottle."/"If I could save time in a bottle."
4650.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being a void in the great pyramid?
4651.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the current upcoming season of Game Of Thrones being the final season?
4652.(Movie name change.)Cabin In The Woods/The Cabin In The Woods
4653.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Kurt Cobain not having a sister?(Did he not have siblings at all?)
4654.(T.V. Show name change.)Seseame Street/Sesame Street
4655.(Music Lyrics change.)"There's gotta a little rain sometimes."/"There's gotta be a little rain sometime."
4656.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Medal Of Honor being different?(Is it the Congressional Medal Of Honor or the Medal Of Honor for you?)
4657.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of New York in 1886?
4658.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the pictures on the wanted posters in The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly being drawings instead of being real?(Video below.)
4659.(Music Lyrics change )"It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it's what you leave behind you when you're gone."/"It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it's what you leave behind when you go."
4660.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember parrots not living in Alpine mountain regions?
4661.(New species.)Have you heard of the Sea Mouse?
4662.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the four horsemen of the Apocalypse being Pestilence, War, Famine and Death instead of being War, Famine, Death and Conquest?
4663.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being stone churches buried under hundreds of feet in Ethiopia?
4664.(Music Lyrics change.)"I can hear it calling in the air tonight."/"I can feel it coming in the air tonight."(Was it something else?)
4665.(Song Title change.)Life Is Life/Live Is Life
4666.(Movie name change.)The Ghost In The Darkness/The Ghost And The Darkness(Was there not a "The" in the title?)
4667.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being a silent film from 1910 known as The Wizard Of Oz?
4668.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember mailing children being legal in the 1900's not being a thing?
4669.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Aramark not being connected?
4670.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Fastenal not being connected?
4671.(Bank Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Bank Of The West not being connected?(Does the other logo look off?)
4672.(Beer name change.)Mickey's/Mickeys(Do you remember the letters not being connected?)
4673.(Beer Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Carta Blanca not being connected?(Do any of the other logos look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember T.G.I. Friday's instead of T.G.I. Fridays?(Was it T.G.I. instead of TGI?)
4674.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember waiters and waitresses not asking "How's everything tasting"?(Did they only ask "How is everything"?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Terminator" instead of "The Terminator"?
Add-On: Do you remember the & being normal in Darigold Half & Half?
4675.(Soup Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Progresso not being connected?
4676.(White Supremacy Group name change.)Aryan Nation/Aryan Nations
4677.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Frankenstein's Monster having bolts in his neck instead of a metal pipe?(Was Frankenstein the monster instead of the creator?)(Were they in his head?)
4678.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember lightning being one mile away if it was one minute before you heard it?(Does it work differently now?)
4679.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember baby horses being called ponies instead of foals?(Anything else off about any of this?)
Add-On: Do you remember vehicles in the 1800's being mainly powered by horses and electricity?(Do the trolleys and cars seem off?)(Video below.)
4680.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Independence Day being normal?
4681.(Music Lyrics change.)"Memories of it still keep callin' and callin'."/"Memories of it still keep calling and calling."
4682.(Music Lyrics change.)"I will follow you into the dark."/"I'll follow you into the dark."
4683.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Madness by Muse sounding different in the beginning?
4684.(Music Lyrics change.)"You the hottest ho in this place."/"You the hottest bitch in this place."
4685.(Duo name change.)The Pet Shop Boys/Pet Shop Boys(Do any of the logos look off?)
4686.(Pop Band name change.)The Tears For Fears/Tears For Fears(Do any of the logos look off?)
4687.(Movie Quote change.)"I see white people."/"I see dead people."
4688.(Musical name change.)The Jersey Boys/Jersey Boys
4689.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Nintendo not being founded in 1889?(Was it 1899?)(Was it the 1970's?)(Is anything else about the company off to you?)
4690.(Thrift Store Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Savers not being connected?
4691.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14."/"Young Danny Fenton he was just 14."
4692.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the possessed girl in The Exorcist not having a feeding tube?
4693.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember the robot in Lost In Space saying "Danger! Will Robinson"?(Did he say it more than once?)(Does the robot look off?)
4694.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember having to boil an egg for only 3 minutes?
4695.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Fallen Astronaut not being a thing?
4696.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember Mr. T saying "I pity the fool!" on The A-Team?
Add-On: Do you remember The Beastie Boys instead of Beastie Boys?
4697.(Musical Duo name change.)Hall & Oates/Hall And Oates/Daryl Hall & John Oates/Daryl Hall And John Oates
4698.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember there being a dash under the C in Rand McNally instead of a dot?
4699.(Phantom movie.)Do you remember Halloween Is Grinch Night not being a thing?
4700.(Rock Band Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Black Flag not being connected?(Do any of the logos look off?)
4701.(T.V. Show Quote change.)"You bubble-headed ninny!"/"You bubble-headed booby!"(Does the logo look off?)
4702.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Oscar The Grouch not originally being orange?(Did he have arms at the start of the show?)
4703.(Phantom fictional character.)Do you remember Professor not being a McDonald's character?(Was he "The Professor"?)(Did Ronald McDonald have buttons on his shirt instead of a zipper shirt?)
Add-On: Do you remember the R in Rold Gold being different?
4704.(New species.)Have you heard of the white whale?(Have you heard of the white dolphin?)
4705.(Song name change.)Unforgiven/The Unforgiven
4706.(Cologne name change.)Brüt/Brut
4707.(Hair Care Product name change.)Pantene(With accent above first E.)/Pantene
Add-On: Do you remember the Y and Q in Dairy Queen being normal?
4708.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in The Devil Wears Prada not being connected?(Any of the letters look off?)
4709.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the A in Excalibur being normal?(Any of the other letters look off?)
4710.(Commercial Quote change.)"Pardon me, but do you have any grey Poupon?"/"Pardon me, do you have any grey Poupon?"/"Pardon me, would you have any grey Poupon?"(Was it something else?)
4711.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Malcolm Young dying before November 2017?
4712.(History change.)Do you remember hundreds of prisoners being freed during the Storming of the Bastille instead of only 7?
Add-On: Do you remember the letters in Game Boy Advance not being connected?(Do the letters in Game Boy Player look off?)
4713.(Logo change.)Do you remember the B in Dolby Digital not being broken?
4714.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Charles Manson dying before 2017?(Was it the mid 2000's?)
4715.(Famous Singer name change.)Lisa Gerrald/Lisa Gerrard
Add-On: Do you remember Shaggy saying "Zoiks!" instead of "Zoinks!"?(Was his real name Shaggy instead of Norville?)
Add-On: Do you remember Donald Duck wearing a scarf instead of a bow tie?
4716.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Scary Movie not being connected?(Anything else off?)(Do the letters in Scream look off?)
4717.(Album name change.)Tales From The Topographic Ocean/Tales From Topographic Oceans
4718.(Celebrity death that happen.)Do you remember Yoko Ono dying after John Lennon in 1980?
Add-On: Do you remember any of this stuff not being around at the time?(Videos below.)
4719.(Movie name change.)Cats Vs. Dogs/Cat & Dogs(Was it Cats And Dogs?)
4720.(City name change.)Philladelphia, Pennsylvania/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4721.(Country name change.)Brazil/Brasil(The latter is the preferred spelling.)
4722.(Country name change.)EquadoEcuador
4723.(Country name change.)Coasta Rica/Costa Rica
4724.(Country name change.)Uraguay/Uruguay
4725.(Rock Band name change.)The Newsboys/Newsboys
4726.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being an American version of The Beatles known as American Beetles?(Was it The American Beetles or American Beetles?)
4727.(Rock Band name change.)Smashing Pumpkins/The Smashing Pumpkins(Do you remember their songs being spelled correctly?)
4728.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember upside down Christmas trees not being a thing?
4729.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Pioneer being normal?
4730.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the R in Sharp having a closed line?
4731.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the R in Brinks Home Security having a closed line?(Did the B have a closed line?)
4732.(Music Lyrics change.)"Open up your eyes."/"Open up your eye."
4733.(Music Lyrics change.)"Been spending most their lives living in a gangster's paradise."/"Been standing most their lives living in the gangster's paradise."
4734.(Music Lyrics change.)"Oh we, I'mma take you home with me."/"And then, I'mma take you home with me."
4735.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Nitrogen making up 70% of Earth's atmosphere instead of 78%?(Anything else about this off?)
4736.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember water with salt in it boiling quicker than regular water?
4737.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember getting nightmares from eating cheese before bed?
4738.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember inflatable tanks not being used in any war?(Was information from 1896-1901 not found on any camera?)(Videos below.)
4739.(Movie Quote change.)"That's what I love about high school girls. I keep getting older, they stay the same age."/"That's what I love about these high school girls man. I get older, they stay the same age. "
4740.(Music Lyrics change.)"All my friends know the low rider."/"All my friend know the low rider."
4741.(Music Lyrics change.)"Why can't we be friends?"/"Why can't we befriend?"
4742.(Music Lyrics change.)"And pretend that he is Parson Brown."/"And pretend that he's a circus clown."(Any of the other lyrics seem off?)
4743.(Song Title change.)We Wish You A Merry Christmas/I Wish You A Merry Christmas("We won't go until we get some."/"We won't go until we got some.")
4744.(Phantom music lyrics.)Do you remember "Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow." not being said in Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Bing Crosby?
4745.(Music Lyrics change.)"Baby Jesus."/"Baby Jay-Zu."
4746.(Music Lyrics change.)"And they stay there."/"And they say yeah."
4747.(Famous Singer name change.)Ricky Nelson/Rick Nelson(Do any of his logos look off?)
4748.(Rock Band Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Pop Evil not being connected?(Do any of their other logos look off?)("It's a matter of fact, life is moving too fast."/"It's a matter of fact, there's no more life that I have.")
4749.(Pop Group name change.)The Spice Girls/Spice Girls(Do any of their logos look off?)
4750.(Music Lyrics change.)"And we can build this dream together."/"And we can build this thing together."(Do any of their logos look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember John Lennon never being in love with May Pang?(Was he only in love with Yoko Ono?)(Have you heard of May Pang?)
4751.(Candy Bar name change.)Carmello/Caramello(Do any of the logos look off?)
4752.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Larry Flynt dying?
4753.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember text messaging not being around in 1992?(Was the first text message "Hello world." and not "Merry Christmas."?)
4754.(Spelling change.)Prophecy/Prophesy
4755.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Beatles not originally being known as the Silver Beatles?(Were they not known as the Blackjacks, Quarrymen, Johnny And The Moondogs, Silver Beetles, Beatals?)(Did they have a "The" before Blackjacks, Quarrymen, Moondogs, Silver Beetles, Silver Beatles and Beatals?)
4756.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Don't Leave Me This Way being sung by Donna Summer instead of Thelma Houston?
4757.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Bitch being sung by Alanis Morissette instead of Meredith Brooks?
4758.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Creep being sung by Nirvana instead of Stone Temple Pilots?(Was it The Stone Temple Pilots?)
4759.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Teenage Dirtbag being sung by Weezer instead of Wheatus?(Was it "Dirtbag" and not "Dirt bag"?)
4760.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember I Swear being sung by Boyz ll Men instead of All-4-One?
4761.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember A Horse With No Name being sung by Neil Young instead of America?
4762.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Warrior being sung by Pat Benator instead of Scandal and Patty Smyth?
4763.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Stuck In The Middle With You being sung by Bob Dylan instead of Stealers Wheel?
4764.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Escape(The Piña Colada Song) being sung by Jimmy Buffett instead of Rupert Holmes?
4765.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember I Write Sins Not Tragedies being sung by Fall Out Boy instead of Panic! At The Disco?(Was it "Panic At The Disco!"?)
4766.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Headstrong being sung by Papa Roach instead of Trapt?
4767.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Uncover being sung by Rihanna instead of Zara Larsson?
4768.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Don't Worry, Be Happy being sung by Bob Marley instead of Bobby McFerrin?
4769.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Cat's In The Cradle being sung by Cat Stevens instead of instead of Harry Chapin?
4770.(Music Lyrics change.)"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go."/"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's home from work we go."(Do you remember them saying "It's off to work we go." more frequently?)
4771.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Diego Maradona doing keepie-uppies in the Munich 1989 UEFA semi-final instead of the them in the Stuttgart 1989 UEFA final?
4772.(Rock Band name change.)The Dwarves/Dwarves(Do any of their logos look off?)
4773.(History change.)Do you remember the Hindenburg explosion happening differently?(Is it more clear?)(Does the Led Zeppelin album cover look off?)
4774.(Movie name change.)BeastmasteThe Beastmaster
4775.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in DTS not being connected?(Do the letters look off?)
4776.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Crackle not being connected?(Do the letters look off?)
4777.(Bank Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Westamerica Bank not being connected?(Do the letters look off?)(Was it "West America Bank"?)
4778.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Raven not being connected?(Were the letters not connected and normal in the other companies with the name "Raven"?)
Add-On: Do you remember The Beatles not being known as The Golden Beatles?
4779.(Duo name change.)Neptunes/The Neptunes(Do any of their logos look off?)
4780.(Rock Band name change.)NERD/N.E.R.D/NERD(With asterisks between the letters.)(Do any of their logos look off?)
4781.(Rock Band name change.)The Pixies/Pixies(Do any of their logos look off?)
4782.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Dragnet not being connected?
4783.(Casino Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in The Mirage not being connected?
4784.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Hyundai Elantra not being connected?
4785.(Company name change.)Infogames/Infogrames
4786.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Imagine Entertainment not being connected?
4787.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the A in The Da Vinci Code not being an upside down V?(Was it "Da Vinci Code"?)
4788.(Video Game Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Magic The Gathering being normal?
4789.(Movie Quote change.)"I'd rather kiss a wookie."/"I'd just as soon kiss a wookie."
4790.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Iggy Pop dying in 2016?
4791.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember finna being a slang term instead of a real word?(Have you heard of the word?)
4792.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Equifax not being cut off?(Were they not connected?)
4793.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Full Metal Jacket being normal?
4794.(T.V. Show Logo change.)Do you remember the V in Unsolved Mysteries being normal?
4795.(T.V. Show name change.)Fear Of The Walking Dead/Fear The Walking Dead
4796.(Computer name change.)Macbook/MacBook
4797.(Movie name change.)A Clockwork Orange/Clockwork Orange(Does the logo look off?)
4798.(Famous Rapper Logo change.)Do you remember the D in DMX not being cut?(Anything else off?)
4799.(T.V. Show Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in ALF not being connected?
Add-On: Do you remember the letters in Quiksilver being normal?
4800.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there only being 5 members in The Jackson 5 instead of 6?(Was it Jackson 5, The Jackson Five, Jackson Five?)
Add-On: Do you remember Chevrolet Camero instead of Chevrolet Camaro?
4801.(Movie Quote change.)"Stella!"/"Hey! Stella!"
4802.(Phantom geography.)Do you remember Victoria Falls not being a thing?
4803.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Uncle Sam's hat being red and white stripes instead of white?
4804.(Association Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in the ADA being normal?(Were they not connected?)(Were they not green?)
4805.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Cadillac Escalade not being connected?(Was "Escalade" a real word?)
4806.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Beauty And The Beast not being connected?(Were the letters normal?)
4807.(Sweetener name change.)Carrageean/Carrageenan(Was it Carrageein or Carrageenin?)
4808.(Famous Architect name change.)Buckmeister FulleBuckminister FulleBuckminster Fuller
4809.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember plants being able to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen?(Do you remember the oxygen produced in photosynthesis being derived from carbon dioxide?)
4810.(Song name change.)Sweet Escape/The Sweet Escape(Do any of Gwen Stefani's logos look off?)
4811.(Spelling change.)Enterprize/Enterprise(Does the Enterprise Rent-A-Car logo look off?)
4812.(Candy Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Nerds not having little bumps on them?(Do you remember the letters in Wonka not being connected?)(Anything else in the Wonka logo look off?)
4813.(Famous Singer name change.)Charlie Putt/Charlie Puth(Do any of his logos look off?)(Do you remember him not having a scar on his eyebrow?)
4814.(Board Game Logo change.)Do you remember the Rs in Sorry! not being broken?(Was it "Sorry" instead of "Sorry!"?)
4815.(Toy Logo change.)Do you remember the E in K'Nex not being broken?(Anything else off?)(Was it spelled differently?)
4816.(T.V. Show Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Saved By The Bell not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4817.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being an A Christmas Carol musical called "Scrooge" from 1970?
4818.(New species.)Have you heard of the Dumbo Octopus?
4819.(New species.)Have you heard of the Vampire Squid?
4820.(Cookie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters not being connected in Lorna Doone?(Anything else off?)
4821.(Perfume Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Drakkar Noir not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4822.(Hotel Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Riviera not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4823.(Hotel Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in MGM Grand note being connected?(Anything else off?)
4824.(Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Yogi Bear not being connected?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Porsche" being spelled "Porche"?
4825.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in The Aristocats not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4826.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Tarzan not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4827.(Online Game Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in World Of Warcraft not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4828.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Ranikot Fort not being a thing?
4829.(New species.)Have you heard of the Giant South American Grasshopper?
4830.(New species.)Have you heard of Creatonotos Gangis?
4831.(New species.)Have you heard of the Nematomorpha?
4832.(New species.)Have you heard of the Blue Lion?
4833.(New species.)Have you heard of the Blue Rat?
4834.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember lemons with spikes not being a thing?
4835.(Geography change.)Do you remember North America and South America being separate continents?
4836.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember 6x6 cars not being a thing?
4837.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Thundersnow not being a thing?
4838.(Album name change.)Dark Side Of The Moon/The Dark Side Of The Moon
4839.(Music Lyrics change.)"Joy to the world, the Lord is come."/"Joy to the world, the Lord has come."(Which one was it for you?)
Add-On: Do you remember the Wow! Signal coming from Orion instead of Sagittarius?(Was it the "Wow Signal"?)
4840.(Book Title change.)My Pet Goat/The Pet Goat(Was George W. Bush actually holding it upside down in the iconic photo?)(Does the book look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Settled down", or "Settled our heads" in Twas The Night Before Christmas instead of "Settled our brains"?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Old St. Nick" instead of "Good St. Nick" in Up On The Housetop?(Anything else off?)(Did Krampus not exist for you?)(Did Elf On The Shelf not exist for you?)(Was it "Elf On A Shelf" "The Elf On A Shelf" or "The Elf On The Shelf"?)
4841.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Tractor Supply Company not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4842.(Music Lyrics change.)"Janie's got a gun."/"Janie got a gun."(Does the Aerosmith logo look off?)
4843.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Chevy Silverado being normal?(Were the letters in Chrysler, and GMC Sierra normal?)
4844.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Home Alone not being connected?(Was the E in Alone not slanted?)(Were the letters normal in the other Home Alone movie logos?)
Add-On: Do you remember there being only one Large Hadron Collider?
4845.(Ship name change.)Marie Celeste/Mary Celeste(Is anything else surrounding the ship off to you?)
4846.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Khepri not being a thing?(Do you remember it not being spelled other ways?)
4847.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember giraffes being taller than they are now?(Did white giraffes not exist?)
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How to convert image into SVG Cricut Design Space - YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. In this tutorial i show how you should save a SVG image the correct way so that it is showing on the website.The tutorial is targeting webdevelopers/webdesig... Today I will be showing you all how to convert an image to an SVG for cricut design spaceLink from TikTok- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qX2XM2xO8F... Are your logo or graphic files looking pixelated on your website? If so, you may need to convert them to SVG files. In this tutorial, we walk you through cre... Top 10 Intro Logo Template Free After Effects 2019. Free download template intro logo opener adobe after effect. 10 Free logo intro is a trendy and modern Af... In this tutorial we will I will show you how to use the SVG import node in maya and we will create an avengers logo! SVG import allows you to creat a model b... Take any JPEG or PNG image and convert it into SVG format so you can use it without Cricut Design Space. Try SVGator: http://bit.ly/SVGatorHey Everyone, Welcome back again. Animating SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is easier than you think. I mean, you don't have... DOWNLOAD PROJECT FILES HERE:https://craigsportal.com/svg-project-file/Adobe Illustrator - Animating SVG for Web LogosFree Art Collection: https://craigsporta... How to Convert an Image into an SVGI wanted to share with you an easy way to convert and image to an svg using the app Imaengine. I hope you find this helpfu...

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